Friday, December 28, 2012


this post is a few days late, but better late then never.

christmas was a little different this year.
i had to work christmas eve.
jenna and tayten weren't there.
this was the first year i had my boyfriend over.
we had brinley.
and it was also my first christmas i have spent with my brothers.
even with all the changes it was one of the best ones yet.

christmas eve:
i got off work about 4 
it was snowing really hard so i made my brothers come pick me up and of course they hadn't gotten anyone presents yet so we ran to wal mart to get their gifts.
after that we went up to my moms.
if anyone knows my mom, than you know she does everything over and beyond
her house is amazing at christmas (picture below)
we had brinley this year and it was so fun
we ate dinner
and then it was time to open gifts.

brinley was so cute.

she now has an excited face so she would open something, make her face, and giggle.
we were spoiled of course.
dar got me an amazing new stereo for my car
(much needed)
mom went all out and got me lots of cute new clothes
it was so fun to spend time with the people who mean the most to me.
after presents we played a few games, and by a few i mean we were up till 230 playing games.


my mom woke me up at 7 to help her make the traditional casserole
i wasn't having it
so i played sleep and didn't get up
but then the excitement of christmas kicked in and i couldn't sleep

i went and woke up dar who had to sleep in taytens toddler bed (such a good sport)

then we went downstairs to finish helping my mom.

while we were sitting there we heard the door open and a voice yell "surprise"
we turned and tayten was standing there
he was so ready for presents.
he ran down and woke up his uncles
and attached his presents.
after we saw what santa brought us we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast
and just spent a little bit of time being lazy.
we then headed out to my dads&tiffs
opened up our gifts, and just spent time together.
and had another amazing meal.

over all it was such a great few days.

i hope everyone had a great holiday!

Tay&Brin with santa$mrs.clause at their school  carnival

brinner got a cell phone
brinners new 4-wheeler

christmas morning

my moms house is so pretty

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