Friday, March 22, 2013

heck ya

oh my how happy am i to hear those words.
i mean come on
its friday.
time to sleep in
stay in sweats all day
eat whatever i want.
who cares what you do.
because its the weekend.

in the working world "weekend" 
those lovely days without working
are used for the running of errands
cleaning the house
catching up on laundry
doing the things you couldn't do during the week
but either way
if its being lazy or busy running errands
at least you aren't working.

i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend
doing whatever it is you wanna do!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

feeling it today

i am feeling so blessed today.
in the middle of a stressful week it hit me
i really am so blessed.
and its time i focus on the good.

everyone has those "ruts"
one bad thing after the other
and i find myself time&time again just staying focused on that rut

and its time to stop
i read  a quote 
"its just a bad day, not a bad life"
how perfect is that.
i know that when i have a bad day its so easy to just
think how bad everything is.
and i know im not the only one.
take sometime out on these "bad days" and think about 
the great blessings you have.

                                 my blessings:

i have an incredible family.
no matter what i can turn to any of them
we are a bit dysfunctional
but whose family isn't
but even through all of that we are there for each other 100%

my boy
he is amazing.
i have never felt so in love in my life.
yes this is that cheesy love stuff, but it is true.
i have that guy who can always make me smile
who knows just what to say
and what not to say sometimes
he is such a great blessing in my life.

friends are the family we pick
and i must say i have some pretty great ones.
i may not see them as much as we'd like
but they are all just a phone call/text away
and all of dars friends who are becoming friends of mine too
not only did a get a great boyfriend but i also got a bunch of great people 
that he brought along.

my job
yes there are plenty of days i dread coming in to work
but i know that as soon as i walk in
there is a group of people here that will 
joke around, ask how i am, and make me realize when im being dramatic
i have to sit back and realize there are so many 
people out there struggling to find work, and i need to be so thankful i have one.

i am not bragging 
i just wanted to focus on the good in my life.

i hope everyone can find the blessings in their life
even when you find yourself in a "rut"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

this thing called growing up

i failed.
i swear i go to blog.
even come up with something catchy to write about.
and then i get lost reading other blogs.
or pinterest.
or the boyfriend texts me
and the blog just gets neglected.


everyone knows that when they were younger
growing up sounded like the best thing in the world.
no one can tell you what to do, what to say, how to act
you could do whatever, whenever.
and your parents (or maybe just mine) laughed
and said you don't know how good you have it.

this is one of those 
oh crap, my parents knew what they were talking about moments

don't get me wrong.
i love the freedom of growing up
but sometimes i hate it.
i just want to go back to when the biggest worry was what to wear to school
and if your friends were in your class.
(i wouldn't want to go back to high school
psh you couldn't pay me to go back
i just want the carefree life i had when i was there.)

now you have to worry about
putting gas in your car
making the car payment
having a good job
paying bills
and making life decisions... altering decisions.

i am horrible at making decisions
its true.
ask anyone who knows me
and maybe this is my problem.
yes i have my dreams.
and my goals.
but when it comes to figuring out how to get there
i just wish i didn't have to decide
and someone would just tell me.

and since that isn't going to happen..

                                    this is what i've come to realize:
growing up is just that.
you have to learn lessons by yourself.
sure you have support 
but in the end its your life.
and how you want it to go is up to you.
some lessons you will learn the easy way
(thats always a nice way to learn)
or you have to learn the hard way
(this seems to be the way i like to learn....)
but either way at the end of the day
you've grown.

as easy at it would be to just be little again
we all know thats not possible.
so all we can do 
is hold on tight and try to do the best we can.