Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear: life decisions

i hate you. Lately so many decisions have been going through my mind. day and night. I often find myself day dreaming and making lists about things I want to do and wondering how to do them. Here are the thoughts that have been taking over my mind..

- Stay Home or Move Out?
There are so many pros and cons that go along with this. Living at home is nice, no rent, free food, all I have to clean is my room. I'm hungry I go to the pantry. Its really nice. But with living at home I feel like a little kid. I want a place of my own to come and go as I please, have whoever over, whenever I want. A place to decorate and make my own, and of course live with my friends. 

-New car or stay with the Jetta?
Oh the jetta. I hate the jetta. It was always my dream to get one, then I got one. And I quickly changed my mind. We got a steal with this car.. only $1300! WOW..right?! WRONG! trust me I have put way more into this car then it is worth. It seems like after i get one thing fixed another thing goes wrong. How many more things can be fixed on it, i thought by now i had replaced everything. So it seems like a smart person would just get rid of it and get a new one. Easier said then done. Insurance.. up. Loan.. need to get. Car payment.. $$$ and you have to get the approval of the dad. And it has to look cute. 

-Blonde or Brunette?
This just sound silly after those two other decisions but yes it still weights on my mind. I was always a darker blonde all growing up, never really blonde, never really brown either. Finally i (after a facebook input of course) i decided to go all brunette. I loved it..and still do. but with summer coming i find myself wanting to go back blonde-ish. Then I worry about taking care of it. Is it worth it? I mean they do say blondes have more fun;)

-Ecuador for 3 months?
-School or work full time?

As you can see there is lots going on. If anyone would like to take over and make these decisions for me that would be great. Until then I'll just keep thinking and making lists and hope that I can figure it out.

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